Davy offers Supervision from a Post-Graduate qualified BACP Senior Accredited Supervisor.
- Supervision or ‘consultative support’ is essential for effective therapy. All BACP members working as therapists are bound by the Ethical Framework (2010 p6, para 7) to monitor their therapy work through ongoing supervision.
Supervision has been described as:-
- a) “Supervision is defined as the reflective exploration and development of helping practice, in a supportive yet challenging context, involving individuals in the role(s) of supervisee and supervisor” (BACP (2002) Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, (2) p1)
- b) “the construction of individualised learning plans for supervisees working with clients” McNulty 2003
- c) “when a person consults with a more ‘seasoned’ and experienced practitioner in the field in order to draw on their wisdom and experience to enhance his/her practice then we would call this process supervision” Gilbert and Evans 2000
- d) Beinart (2004) proposes various models of supervision, ranging from those based on psychotherapy theories, to those developed specifically for supervision i.e. developmental models, social role models and systems approach.